Sunday, December 2, 2012

Improving The Performance Of Your Cheap Labels

There are still some very effective ways to improve the performance of your cheap labels. You do not have to resign yourself to their lackluster effectiveness. All you have to do is to follow the performance enhancing tips for cheap labels below. All five tips should get you quickly started in producing the right content and design elements that make cheap color labels still effective at their goals.

1. Write titles and sub-titles with power words.

A cheap label's title or subtitle will still work well and even can work great if it uses "power words". Power words in marketing are basically the key potent words that get people's attentions.

For example, the words "SALE" and "DISCOUNT" are particularly potent for the bargain hunting market. Other markets such as the trendy mass markets may respond to words like "POPULAR" while more connoisseur type markets will look for authority words like "ESTABLISHED IN..."

These power words will help increase the overall visibility of your labels, without really increasing its cost. So as long as you pick the right titles with the right power words, your cheap labels should have a very good opportunity to succeed and shine.

2. Include useful content for readers.

Depending on the size and shape of your label, you may want to include useful content in it. Labels typically are more effective and more memorable if readers actually find what it has very useful. They will appreciate the label more and of course in some cases actually keep it as a reference.

So if your own labels for your products or for other special items have the space, do not hesitate to add in more useful content. It will not cost you anything and you will improve the chance of your labels being remembered in the process.

3. Compose better, newer logos.

Logos are one of the key components of color labels. If you want them to beat out other labels even if yours is cheap, all you have to do is to compose better and fresher looking designs. If your label logo seems too standard, common or just is plain too old, you may want to just revamp your logo design so that it looks more modern.

The best designs for logos nowadays are influenced by web 2.0 designs. These designs are sleeker, shinier and smoother in appearance. By creating a logo that follows these concepts, you can make your logo really modern looking. Hopefully, they should be modern enough to convince readers that your labels have something new to offer.

4. Alter the shape for visibility.

Another quick fix to help make your labels compete with more expensive counterparts is to just alter its shape. Instead of the typical rectangular shape of your labels, you might want to use a circular or even triangularly shaped label. This makes for a more unique looking label of course, making its mark on target markets more readily. So try and choose a good and distinct shape for your labels.

5. Print with one unique color.

Finally, to really help your labels flag themselves for people, you may want to print it with one very unique color in its design. This color should help increase the visibility of your labels, letting the headlines do the rest of the work. So invest in some cheap bright orange colors on top of your label or anything similar. This should add more help to your cheap labels, making them more effective.

So what are you waiting for? Now that you know how to improve your cheap labels, you should try out all these tricks to make sure they can go toe to toe with other more expensive prints.

For comments and inquiries about the article visit: Goal-Oriented Labels

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5 Website Conversion Killers To Avoid

If you are a serious internet marketer, you probably have a website or two online. Nowadays with all of the free website platforms on the internet it is very easy to set up a website or a blog with just a few clicks.

There are literally millions of websites on the internet with many more being created on a daily basis. This can make things a little more challenging when it comes to attracting attention and getting visitors.

With so many choices available, a visitor can become easily distracted and click away from your site reducing the chances you have to generate income for your business.

As if that wasn't enough in addition to the many choices of websites online within a given market or niche, there are other obstacles and roadblocks that can hinder your websites ability to convert your visitors into customers.

In this article I'm going to expose 6 conversion killers that your website would be better off without.

Website Conversion Killer #1. Rarely Updated.

People tend to gravitate towards websites that are frequently updated with fresh content. Frequent updates will attract repeat readers as well as attention for the search engines. Getting search engine traffic is still one of the best types of traffic to get to your website simply because the quality of the visitors are more targeted than any other kind of traffic.

Website Conversion Killer #2. Irrelevant Content.

If there is one thing that will make your visitors instantly click away from your website the moment they arrive is irrelevant content.

Put yourself in your visitors shoes for a moment. If you were to visit a website that was supposed to be selling high quality desktop computers but had a whole bunch of wedding shower related content on it, how long would you stick around?

Make sure that the content you deliver is highly targeted to the audience you're targeting. The more focused the content, the higher your chances are of making sales.

Website Conversion Killer #3. Banner Overkill.

Nothing screams "buy something" louder than a website full of banner ads all over the place. Now don't get me wrong, banner advertising does work if used correctly. However having plastered all over your website advertising a lot of different products is very likely to encourage your visitors to check out the products and make a purchase.

Keep your advertising tightly targeted to the content of your website and limit your selection to two or three products max.

Website Conversion Killer #4. A Cluttered Layout.

Have you ever visited a website that had so much going on that you didn't know where to start?

If the layout of your website is cluttered your visitors will feel the same way and rather than try to figure out what's going on with your site, they will simply leave.

Try to keep a clean layout that allows your visitors to easily find what they are looking for. The easier it is for them to get the information they're looking for, the more likely they will be to return when you update your site, in addition to buying related products.

Website Conversion Killer #5. Use Of Hard Contrasting Colors

In an attempt to develop a level of originality and uniqueness for their websites, some marketers may use colors that conflict and contrast making the reader experience a very uncomfortable one.

It's important to understand that a large majority of web readers are color blind and grey text on a black background may not work to well for them.

The best colors to use are a white background with black text. This will eliminate the possibility of your visitors not being able to see your content clearly.

The easier it is for your audience to read the content on your site, the more likely they are to stick around to consume more information that may ultimately lead to a purchase.

By avoiding these simple mistakes, you will create a more user-friendly experience for your readers and give yourself more of an opportunity to enjoy increased conversions and higher profits from your website.

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Knowing The Basic Design Rules In Creating Marketing Materials

You can invest every dollar you have in your marketing materials but the end product will still be disappointing if you do not know the basic rules in design. Every graphic designer knows how important it is to come up with the perfect design and layout for the materials they create. If you are not a designer, but you have your own business, it is still important to know the basic rules so you can effectively come up with the perfect design for your materials. Whether you are creating your business cards, brochures, or presentation folders, having the basic knowledge of the process will help you come up with the perfect material for your business.

Every marketing material's design may vary but the components are almost the same. There is the headline, content, and the contact details. The headline basically serves as the enticing element. It is designed to capture your target customer's attention so he will pick up your material and read it. The content contains your main message. It should be clear, direct and concise. You do not have to create an overly long and elaborate message. Just stick with that is important and necessary. The contact details pretty much tell how people can contact you. That can include your email, website, phone numbers, or mailing address.

Graphic designers or printing services can help you come up with the perfect layout of your materials, but most of the decisions will still depend on you. It is crucial that your materials scream the benefits you provide so people will be attracted to it. They should also be enticing and compelling so you do not miss out on prospective customers. From your headline to the images you incorporate in the design, everything should be striking and intriguing.

Creativity is important in marketing materials. It is crucial that you create a unique and cutting edge design that will make your business easily distinguishable from the rest. You can do this by adding additional information in your materials which you think will be beneficial to your customers. That can be a list of your top products, a map to your store, some tips and ideas, and perhaps a discount coupon. Be sure to tell your target audience every important thing about your business so it will be easy for them to decide positively about your business.

Remember, you have to present your benefits. People these days are very cautious of where they spend their money. They want to make sure that they get the best result out of their investment. Be sure to tell people what they will benefit from you so they will be encouraged to invest their hard-earned money on you.

Designing and printing your marketing materials can be a bit overwhelming at first, but once you know the tips and tricks in effective designing, it should be easy for you to come up with the perfect materials that will bring good results to your business. There will surely be printing companies that can help you. You can look at online printing services that you know will give you the best service. But it still pays to have a good knowledge of the entire design and printing process so you know you are getting the best materials. Make the effort to be hands on with your marketing campaign to ensure the best return on investment.

For comments and inquiries about the article visit: Printing Services

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Link Building and Good Content

A website gets noticed and is successful only when it has good content followed by good link building strategies. Both contribute to publicity. Teaming up with link building experts get people to come to the site and good content by experienced writers keeps them engaged. Sounds simple? Not quite. Link building is not something that could be mastered in a day or two and neither is content writing for the web. quality Link building is getting inbound links from a reliant source to your website which helps push up page ranks and get spotted over the net.

Link building is a tough exercise, nevertheless its one that yields good results. There are so many companies out there trying to pack their websites with inbound links and frankly those only work if those links are from a reliable and relevant source. Companies that offer link building services advice against the idea to Spam sites with the website URLs. Google's got rules on that, guidelines put in place and if not adhered to properly, your website could lose ranking even suspended. Like I said link building is not a process that could be learned overnight and neither will be its results. Ever heard of the phrase "Everything comes to the one who waits", these things take time but create an opportunity for businesses that can be capitalized on.

As mentioned before, content too plays a key role for proper recognition of the website. So creating valuable links accompanied by optimized content will get your website to climb up the charts. Having relevant and reliant information on your blog page or any of your landing page for that matter is important. This is because, when your readers are benefited, they would link back your website to those requiring the same information.

It would be good to entertain topics with some answers that are unique and was not found on other sites. This would allow readers to interact more and pass on the link on to forums that they feel would be benefited. Link building is more like friendship, you move around those with those with similar interests right? Then why not try to link with companies that work in a similar area and could use your product service to complete the circle. This way both parties are benefited. For instance a content writing company could easily offer services to SEO service providers or designers with optimized content. Now the customer not only gets what he wants, so does everyone else.

Marketing on the Internet 101   How Quality Website Content Can Generate the Sales Leads Your Business Needs   Ramp Up Your Business Online - Commit to a 30 Day Challenge   Internet Marketing - How To Build A Website With a High Conversion Rate - Part 2   

SEO Writer Secrets For Site Promotion - 7 Tips For Improving Search Engine Ranking

Website owners and webmasters looking to have more control over the optimization factors of their websites and blogs are advised to focus on Off-page optimization rather than on-page optimization, which is almost always taken care of by the SEO content writers who have written the keyword rich content for the portal.

In this article, I share my secrets as an experienced SEO content writer for effective Off-Page Optimization: read and apply these 7 tips for improving site promotion results in just 8 weeks - they worked for me!

1. Choose Hot Keywords In Incoming Links

Also referred to as 'anchor text' the keywords you use in linking other pages on the web to your website are influential in helping you rank higher in the search engines, since this linked text is considered 'contextual' by them. So, always choose popular or hot keywords in your incoming links for quick site promotion.

2. Maximize Incoming Links

It pays to build more incoming links to your website as search engines view this factor as a measure of website popularity, frequently monitoring quantity of backlinks to determine its ranking. Increase the volume of incoming links and enjoy higher ranking on major search engines!

3. Ensure Quality Backlinks

Search engine rankings are influenced by not just the quantity, but also the quality of backlinks to your website. So, make it a point to include incoming links on your website only from trusted websites that are related to your business. Choose either free or paid linking offers from authority websites and blogs for proven site promotion to ensure quality backlinks that improve your rankings.

4. Use Variations in Anchor Text Linking

Keen to see site promotion results quickly? Then, don't forget to use variations of keywords and key phrases in your anchor text, modifying it slightly when you can in order to get maximum results from natural SEO techniques favored by major search engines, like Google.

5. Share Your Thoughts On Blogs

Blog Commenting is one of the simplest, quickest and cheapest ways to improve your rankings and promote your site: simply type in your keyword into the 'Name Box' to ensure your anchor text will offer you a relevant and permanent backlink for your website.

6. Free and Fast Site Promotion Via Forums

Sign up with free forums to enable keyword backlinking from a smart forum signature that markets your business or product effectively and quickly - forum posts of 10 to 30 words take less than a minute to type and publish live on the web and are a great free strategy for backlinking.

7. Submit Quality PR For Proven Site Promotion

Media announcements, like Press Releases, are an effective way to improve web exposure for any business and also helps increase backlinks for websites. To help your website rank better, optimize the anchor text contained in your press release and make it a point to only submit quality PRs to free or paid sites to build credibility for your website.

Marketing on the Internet 101   How Quality Website Content Can Generate the Sales Leads Your Business Needs   Ramp Up Your Business Online - Commit to a 30 Day Challenge   Content Writing Services - The Backbone of a Website   What Should a Business Owner Be Aware of When They First Start Out Promoting Their Website?   

Basics of SEO

What do you get when you combine complex algorithms, self-proclaimed experts, thousands of unreliable resources, and a confusing line between best and shady practices? The perception of the current state of search engine optimization. If you find yourself perplexed and overwhelmed at the thought of SEO you are definitely not alone. In fact a lot of businesses shy away from the practice all together. But the truth is that a business can benefit significantly from quality SEO efforts. Whether you are looking to tackle your company's SEO efforts on your own or if you are looking to outsource, the best practices outlined below should help clear the water for you.

1. Optimize for people, not robots. The goal of your online presence should be to provide quality information to your current and potential customers in order to increase your sales and market share. By optimizing your site for the search engine robots (spiders) rather than your visitors will often add confusion and decrease the likelihood of them visiting your site again. A #1 ranking is only good for your business if it is converting visitors into customers.

2. Results take time and effort. Because you are optimizing for people, and because search engines can tell the difference, the SEO too good to be true deals are no longer effective. The "#1 ranking in 2 days" deals are actually much more likely to get you penalized than to help you. Producing quality content, interaction with your target audience and building valuable links will take time but will prove much more beneficial to your rankings.

3. Social matters. Until recently social efforts were separate from SEO. However, search engine developers are realizing that the links you are sharing through social media networks should account for something. By sending a link in a tweet, liking an article with your Facebook account, or hitting +1 you are indicating the link's relevancy and therefore increasing its SEO.

4. Algorithms adapt. As long as the Internet is evolving, so are search engine algorithms. The best way for you to adapt is to stay up-to-date and involved with the online mediums that people are using. If Google+ makes Facebook a thing of the past, transition more of your efforts to Google+. When the next online technology makes its way to the top of Internet usage, spend some effort analyzing how it can fit into your online marketing strategy.

Marketing on the Internet 101   How Quality Website Content Can Generate the Sales Leads Your Business Needs   Ramp Up Your Business Online - Commit to a 30 Day Challenge   Content Writing Services - The Backbone of a Website   

The Basics of Building Profitable Websites for Beginners

Lots of people start themselves a website every day in the hope of making a little bit (or a lot) of extra income on the internet. There is nothing too difficult in doing this if you are prepared to put in quite a bit of work, learn about how bring traffic to your website and also how to then monetize that traffic. This article deals mainly with the basic decisions you should be making before you ever actually get a site up and running.

A Free Website or Should You Make an Investment?

The most common mistake that I have come across for new marketers is the fact that they often choose a free website over something that they actually pay for and own for themselves. is one place that will allow you to do this but don't fall into the trap of thinking that you can just monetize the site after you have built it. There are some pretty strict rules with regards to what you are allowed to do on a website.

You still could build a website for free; a BlogSpot at is good for this but you have to bear in mind that the website is never truly your own. While free is of course good, it is not necessarily better! Where would you be left if you spent months or even years building out a great website on BlogSpot only to find that Google shuts down the site at a later date? You would have lost all of your hard work overnight.

A much better option than either a or website is to have your own hosted website. Yes it costs a little but it gives you the peace of mind of knowing that this website is your own and nobody can take it away from you. Hosting comes very cheaply these days, especially for the first year and during this period you can see how you get on with the site and then make a decision as to whether you will keep it running or not depending on the level of both income and enjoyment you get out of it.

Keywords, Traffic and Competition

Secondly, you are going to have to learn a little bit about how to get traffic to your site. You might have some of the most fantastic articles on the internet on your chosen subject but if nobody ever sees it then you are dead in the water.

The name of the game here is to analyse what people are actually typing into the search engines, analyzing the competition from other websites for these keyword phrases and then making a decision as to whether or not it is viable for you to compete for these keywords.

Most of those who are serious about earning an income online use some sort of keyword tracking tool which not only helps you decide on which keywords are worth targeting but also keeps a track of your rankings over time so that you can monitor progress as you rise (or fall) in the results on the search engine results pages.

WordPress, a Great Option for New Internet Marketers

Once you have made a decision on what type of keywords you are going to target, it's time to look into buying a domain name, purchasing hosting and deciding on how you are going to present your website to the world. Many beginners and experienced online marketers choose to use 'WordPress' to build their websites, this is a very easy method to get going quickly but as with anything, there is going to be a bit of a learning curve involved. Don't let this put you off however; there are a multitude of websites out there offering WordPress tutorials for beginners, intermediate and advanced users.

Marketing on the Internet 101   How Quality Website Content Can Generate the Sales Leads Your Business Needs   Ramp Up Your Business Online - Commit to a 30 Day Challenge   Content Writing Services - The Backbone of a Website   Searching for Answers?   Web Chat Agents   

How To Generate High-Quality Leads In Mobile Marketing

Mobile marketing is one of the newest types of marketing, yet it actually incorporates elements of some of the oldest and well proven methods. Many of the same rules that apply to other kinds of marketing will apply to mobile marketing too. However, there are some noteworthy differences. This article presents some solid advice on getting the best from this brilliant advertising medium.

When you are creating your mobile marketing campaign, make sure to keep all platforms in mind. Search out information on all of the devices you wish to target your advertising towards, and take each into consideration when planning your campaign. You need to write a script that can be used across all devices to get the most out of your campaign.

When mobile marketing, your main concern is maintaining your current customer base rather than adding new customers. Compared with new customers, established customers are often more willing to opt-in for text updates and offers. Be mindful about how you use mobile marketing. Unsolicited marketing to new customer leads is often considered a spamming technique.

It's important to have your social networking links on your website. Today, people are very into social networking, so giving them another option to find you will be good for your business. If your customers know you have a presence on a social media network, they will check you out but they won't search.

It is important to remember that not everyone has a smart phone, so be sure your links are compatible with older phones. This is not true however if you have any flash on your standard site. If this is the case, then all phones must be directed to your mobile site.

Enhance your mobile marketing website by optimizing it for the search engine crawlers. The search engine used by most mobile devices is Google, so make sure you rank on the first page of the results.

Carefully review marketing data for your chosen niche, so that you are sure your planned campaign is accurately targeting the needs of your prospective customers. This is a wonderful way to make sure that your messages are something your viewers want to see.

There is significant promise to be found in mobile marketing, though it must be used carefully, so as to avoid annoying potential customers. Apply your mobile marketing efforts respectfully and consistently to get the best results. If you follow the advice given here, you will most likely find that you have new customers and more profits coming in.

Marketing on the Internet 101   How Quality Website Content Can Generate the Sales Leads Your Business Needs   Ramp Up Your Business Online - Commit to a 30 Day Challenge   Content Writing Services - The Backbone of a Website   

Editing Your Landing Pages

The Web Page

It's easy to think that writing for your webpage is like writing for anything else, but it's not: it's very different. You need to build a style that holds your visitor, and you've only go about six seconds to do it!


Well that's the first point. 'Web-surfers' follow-up their Google search for your product will be flicking through the sites. They either see what they want or move on, one site every six or so seconds, that's how long you have to catch their attention.

The Fold

The expression comes from the old style broadsheet newspapers. They were folded in half across the page and the passer-by could see the banner, the headline and not much else. That part of the page was 'above the fold' the rest of the front page was 'below the fold'.

The news items were set to ensure that the most important headlines were 'above the fold'.

On a webpage 'above the fold' means the bit of a webpage the visitor sees as he or she lands on the page; the bit that can be seen without scrolling down.


Part of the impact issue: Headlines have the power to catch your reader's eye. Use them.

Blocks of Text

Big blocks of text are very off-putting for the 'web-surfer': keep them short on your landing pages, no more than three or four lines long. Dense material should be kept off the front page with links from an introductory 'teaser'.

Use a journalistic style - no working up to the punch line. Hit them between the eyes with the very first sentence. In the reverse of normal writing the first sentence should be a summary of the rest of the text.

150-200 words is more than enough to show above the fold. Make sure they work for you.

Eye Candy

You might think pictures a waste of valuable 'above the fold' real estate, but you'd be wrong. The right picture summing up the ethos of your site can be worth a thousand words.

Be Direct: Be Focussed

Going back to our first sentence, you have perhaps six seconds to deliver your message. Be direct, be focussed, remove anything - word, sentence, paragraph, page - that doesn't deliver your message.

Don't waste real estate welcoming your visitors, they know they are welcome; they don't need to be told.

Don't make your visitor have to think, he hasn't got time. Make your links clear and visible, place them where he can see them.

Marketing on the Internet 101   How Quality Website Content Can Generate the Sales Leads Your Business Needs   Ramp Up Your Business Online - Commit to a 30 Day Challenge   Content Writing Services - The Backbone of a Website   Local Business: How to Get More People to Your Website   Internet Marketing - How To Build A Website With a High Conversion Rate - Part 2   

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